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impotence caused by masturbation is curable by venous surgery

key words  Impotence.,loose penis

Masturbation causes venous impotence and is treatable

Dr Vishwa Prakash
Plastic surgeon(Independent practice )

Masturbation Is supposed to cause sexual stimulation and pleasure without involving opposite sex.In Modern medicine it is supposed to be total harmless procedure.But I have proved it to be harmful and cause erectile problems.
In masturbation in males the penis is stimulated and cause to be erect by stimulation for longer time resulting in lot of strain on valve like mechanism at tunica level which helps in preventing the penile blood to go into venous channels from arterial channel in turn causng erection.Valvular mechanism is normal mechanism required for erection to take place.
When erection is maintained for longer time by stimulation the mechanism of tunica gives way and erectile impotence takes place.
We have examined 50 patients coming for erectile failure .All reported to have normal erection initially and after lot of masturbation they passed in phase or erectile failure.All of them underwent color dopplor ultrasound  which reported venous impotence.
All patients underwent venous ligation and all except one of them reported very good results .(Fig 1)
Venous impotence is one form of impotence .But masturbation as cause of impotence is not mentioned in literature.We have proved for the first time that masturbation is important cause of impotence and  impotence is treatable by penile venous ligation.


Penile venous surgery for treating erectile dysfunction: Past, present, and future perspectives with regard to new insights in venous anatomy.
Cheng-HsingHsiehaJu-TonHsiehbShang-JenChangaI-NiChiangbStephen Shei-DeiYangaUrological Science

Volume 27, Issue 2, June 2016, Pages 60-65



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